Tuesday, April 22, 2008

101 Update

Not much. Still no completions, though I've been keeping up with 1 song a day. I missed my first weekly sketch, so I have one more to do this week. Also, convincing friends to help me complete my '1 new restaurant a month' line.

And I swear I'll complete one soon. Maybe finish off the last chapter of "By the Sword" on the weekend...

Saturday, April 19, 2008


So, nine days into my 101 Things. How am I doing? Well, haven't finished a new one, yet...


57. Listen to at least 1 new song a day (9/1001)

1. Ra Ra Riot – Dying is Alright (April 11, 2008)
2. The New Amsterdams – Heaven Sent (April 12, 2008)
3. Fleet Foxes – White Winter Hymnal (April 13, 2008)
4. Andrew Bird – Dr. Stringz (April 14, 2008)
5. Lights – White (April 15, 2008)
6. Razorlight - I Can't Stop This Feeling I've Got (April 17, 2008) (Missed April 16, 2008)
7. The Rumble Strips – Boys and Girls in Love (April 17, 2008)
8. Capsula – Voices Underground (April 18, 2008)

9. Lay Low – I’ll Try (April 19, 2008)

Luckily, this is my only daily goal, and it's easy as long as I don't forget (as I did on the 16th).

I've also been making steady progress on a number of books, though the current big ones are Mao and Hirohito, both (funnily enough, considering my usual stance on these) biographies. I've also been searching out and getting my hands on the Indie Spirit nominees so I can watch them, though I haven't sat down to watch any yet.

I've also begun to make mix CD tracklists for three friends, so provided I finish those and get some CDs to burning them this weekend, I'm well on my way to completing another goal! And, another covers post on tBoS done as well...

By the end of tomorrow, I have to complete all of my weekly goals, as it's Saturday. That just includes sketching something, though, which won't be hard. Also, I have a week and a half to complete all my 'monthly' goals for April, as well. I still have to visit a new restaurant and write 3 new showcases for tBoS, all manageable.

As I should finish one every (approx.) 10 days, watching that episode of Be'tipul means I'm not behind yet, but I think I need to get going on some of these!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Now that I've posted the pre-completed partials, I can get into the tasks from the list that I completed today, on the start date...


47. Watch an episode of Be'Tipul.

As of late, I've been intensely addicted to a new series entitled In Treatment, which I've learned is essentially a translation of Israeli series Be'Tipul. I love IT so much, I figured I'd try my best to grab an episode or two of Be'Tipul and give it a shot. It didn't take long, and by today I have amassed about four.

Today, I watched season 2, episode 4. I don't know the actress' name, but she would be in every Thursday episode, I believe. She was extremely compelling, and though I could not understand a word she said, I was drawn into her story and remain very curious about the untranslated dialogue. Meanwhile, Assi Dayan does an excellent job of playing Reuven Dagan, the original Paul Weston. I was pulled into the episode, as I said, despite having no translation, and I hereby begin searching for copies with English subtitles...


57. Listen to at least 1 new song a day (1/1001)

Ra-Ra-Riot - Dying is Fine


For my first update, I'll post those tasks which, over the course of my pre-101 life, have partially completed...

In Progress Tasks

11. Learn Japanese

I begun studying Japanese years ago, and while I amassed various dictionaries and phrasebooks, I can only say a couple of phrases.

35. Continue 'TV Journal' at least until the end of 2008.

I've been compiling a listing of every TV episode I watch since March 2007, and I've just recently broken the one-year mark. I want to keep this up, definitely, as it makes me accountable for every episode I watch and helps me organise it, as well.

36. Watch all of Blind Justice (1/13), Eyes (1/12), My So-Called Life (4/20), and Haunted (1/13)

I searched long and hard, for years in fact, for my copies of all of these one-season TV shows, and since I've gotten them I've been lacklustre at best in actually watching them. So, in this 1001 days, I'm going to finally complete each season. Now, Haunted may be difficult, as I have not yet acquired the series finale, but I plan to keep searching in order to find it.

38. Read all volumes of Neil Gaiman's 'Sandman' series (1/10)
39. Finish 'Colour' by Victoria Finlay

40. Finish 'By the Sword' by Richard Cohen
41. Read entire Ender series by Orson Scott Card (3/4-5), Shadow saga (1/4-5)

All of these have had bookmarks in them for years now (in most cases), so I want to suck it up and finish them off, once and for all.

45. Read at least 3 biographies (/3).

The first of these is in progress, as I'm just digging into Mao by Jung Chang and Jon Holiday. An excellent read, much like Chung's 'Wild Swans'.

46. Finish reading 2 Jared Diamond books (/2)

I have been stuck in the middle of both 'Collapse' and 'Guns, Germs and Steel' for a long time now, and I want to go back and complete both.

49. Watch all seasons of The Wire (/5)

This show, lauded as the best ever created by many, is also on here. I've watched the pilot, and I plan on continuing to watch.

52. Watch Independent Spirit Nominees (Best Film) for 2000-2010 (6/50)

I love indie films, even though I rarely watch movies. Following Triplux's movie lists, I realised this was the only one I had a real interest in trying. With 5 nominees a year, the list is long, but luckily I've seen some of the nominees.

2001: Memento, Waking Life
2005: Brokeback Mountain
2006: Little Miss Sunshine, Pan's Labyrinth
2007: Juno

66. Reach 200 posts on The Bringer of Song (54/200)

I've already posted 54 times on my music blog, The Bringer of Song, so I plan on continuing the trend.

81. Finish 'Okami'

Again, an unfinished project, this time my favourite game of all time. I'll either complete my PS2 version, or wait and whip through it on the Wii port.


For a while now, I've been taking a look at my life and realising I've been a tad unadventurous. This comes mostly because I've built a bubble around myself, which I don't like the idea of. So, I've decided to take on a challenge. Check out Day Zero to find out the specifics of the project. I've tried to keep mine a mix of bigger and smaller things, but all things I've wanted to get myself to do. As I complete tasks (or complete a step in them, I'll post here and strike it off the sidebar. There are 33 months in the interim, so monthly posts are, for example, marked (0/33) at the moment.

Here's the list in its entirety, based off ones by friend Xandmatt and an excellent one by Triplux, who is on his second. In my second post, I will go through both the items partially already completed (allowed) and those I have completed today, the start date. Following Triplux's example, I've provided 11 alternates - less probable to occur, they will nonetheless work as substitutes if they are completed.


START DATE: Friday, April 11, 2008
END DATE: Friday, January 7, 2011

Personal (24)
1. Get a job
2. Go one week without watching television, using the computer or playing video games. (Excluding school/work)
3. Go one month without eating chips or chocolate
4. Go one month without drinking any pop at all.
5. Have one month where no takeout food is eaten at all.
6. Eat vegetarian for a week
7. Treadmill every day, for no less than twenty minutes, for a week.
8. Dye hair
9. Learn to cook at least 5 dishes (/5)
10. Try 160 new foods (/160)
11. Learn Japanese
12. Try some Thai food.
13. Try a new fruit
14. Try 3 new vegetables (/3)
15. Drink alcohol (seriously) for the first time
16. Attend a party
17. Learn to drive
18. Move away from home
19. Learn to do my laundry and the dishes
20. Get new health card
21. Graduate high school
22. Keep a personal journal for 2 months
23. Try a new restaurant every month (/33)
24. Donate $200 to charity (/200)

Writing/Career (10)

25. Write 5 TV pilots (/5)
26. Write 5 spec scripts (/5)
27. Write at least 1 scripted adaptation (pilot or screenplay), of a book, a comic or some other story.
28. Research therapy
29. Research music management
30. Write a play
31. Write a screenplay
32. Actively watch and study 20 TV episodes (/20)
33. Attend university
34. Listen to at least 10 DVD commentaries (/10).

Arts (25)

35. Continue 'TV Journal' at least until the end of 2008.
36. Watch all of Blind Justice (/13), Eyes (/12), My So-Called Life (/20), and Haunted (/13)
37. Go to ten concerts (/10)
38. Read all volumes of Neil Gaiman's 'Sandman' series (/10)
39. Finish 'Colour' by Victoria Finlay
40. Finish 'By the Sword' by Richard Cohen
41. Read entire Ender series by Orson Scott Card (/4-5), Shadow saga (/4-5)
42. Read 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo
43. Read 20 non-fiction books (/20)
44. Read at least 40 fiction books (/40).
45. Read at least 3 biographies (/3).
46. Finish reading 2 Jared Diamond books (/2)
47. Watch an episode of Be'Tipul.
48. Watch an episode from 2 different Japanese TV series, non-anime. (/2)
49. Watch all seasons of The Wire (/5)
50. Watch 40 movies (/40)
51. Watch an Akira Kurosawa film.
52. Watch Independent Spirit Nominees (Best Film) for 2000-2010 (/50)
53. Read 'The Way of the Samurai'.
54. Watch 'Paprika'
55. Read 'Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain'
56. Watch at least one movie from each of 8 different languages (/8)
57. Listen to at least 1 new song a day (/1001)
58. Make 5 friends mix CDs (/10)
59. Listen to 20 songs recommended by friends (/20).
60. Attend either SXSW or NXNE

Blog ['The Bringer of Song' / 'Alden is Dead?'] (8)

61. Update The Bringer of Song (or other blog) every day for a month, 3 times (/3)
62. Make a 'Top 10 Albums of the Year' post every year (/3)
63. Write at least 3 showcases a month for tBoS (/99)
64. Write at least one covers post a month (/33)
65. Interview at least one musical artist
66. Reach 200 posts on The Bringer of Song (/200)
67. Update 'Alden is Dead?' at least once a month (/33)
68. Rewatch and review every episode of 'In Treatment' Season one (/43)

Hobbies (15)

69. Read and review one virtual series episode a day for a fortnight (/14)
70. Review four VS scripts in one day.
71. Write at least 20 VS scripts (/20)
72. Co-write at least 6 VS scripts (/6)
73. Try 100Words (www.100words.com)
74. Complete NaNoWriMo (NaNoWriMo.org)
75. Complete a three-chapter fanfiction (/3)
76. Learn basics of playing guitar
77. Sketch something once a week (/33)
78. Write 3 songs (/3)
79. Try voice training and learning to sing
80. Learn genuine tea ceremony and perform it with someone
81. Finish 'Okami'
82. Take a night course in something.
83. Play a game of Risk to the end

Possessions (3)

84. Buy a digital camera
85. Buy a book about 'untranslateable' words, ones with no English clone
86. Buy 10 physical CDs [albums, EPs or singles] (/10).

Travel (4)

87. Visit Ireland
88. Revisit New York
89. Visit a new Canadian province (not Ontario/Quebec)
90. Travel by plane

Random (12)

91. Attend a wedding
92. Vote in a national election
93. Learn to ride a bike
94. Design a board game
95. Take some form of martial arts lessons
96. Learn to meditate
97. Read a dictionary, cover-to-cover
98. Learn self-defense
99. Pray
100. Go rock climbing
101. For every incomplete task after 1001 days, donate $10 to charity

101 DOWN


1. Visit Australia
2. Walk 3 miles in one go
3. Start an annual arts-based charity event
4. See a Waterhouse painting in person
5. See 'Wicked' in stage
6. Write a manuscript for a novel
7. Visit Los Angeles, California
8. Write and illustrate a comic
9. Go to Asia
10. Attend a film festival
11. Acquire and care for a (new) pet

Now, I shall embark on this journey, with whoever reads this following my progress. If not, this is a great organization tool at least.